VJAS urged Govt. to give MIHAN-SEZ Plant Power to Nagpur and Vidarbha

‘One hand Nagpur Municipal Corporation (N.M.C.) is planning set up own power plant to tackle power crisis of this up coming metro at the same time their own company MADC is signing the PPA with Mumbai base Reliance Power Trading Company, this is highly objectionable and unjust with power starved Nagpur and Vidarbha people, some undue interest are behind this deal is very much suspected hence we want scraping of PPA immediately’ Kishor Tiwari added.
It is reported that in MIHAN-SEZ a joint venture company with MADC has set up a power plant for captive supply to this ambitious venture, has now struck a deal with Reliance Power Trading Company to sell electricity generated from the first unit of its plant. The MADC Nagpur Energy Private Limited (MNEPL) is coming up with a 241 MW power plant with four units of 61.5 MW each. Generation in the first unit started around four days ago and has been synchronised with the grid. "Full-fledged production of 61 MW is expected to start within a fortnight," said a official of MADC Nagpur Energy Private Limited company.
MADC Nagpur Energy Private Limited company also revealed that there are good chances that all the power generated (from April next) here will be sold in the open market as there's unlikely to be much demand in Mihan. The second unit is expected to start by January and the remaining two in March and April.
"The power plant was set up with the aim of providing power to the industries coming up in Mihan. We were expecting that there would be a demand of at least 50MW. However, we are now exercising the option of supplying power in the open market," said the senior official.
‘As MADC Nagpur Energy Private Limited has set up this plant in Mihan-SEZ and enjoyed all tax and duty benefits, a coal linkage of over 10 lakh tonnes has been done in the name MADC for this plant being SEZ captive power plant, it is highly illegal for MADC to go ahead with any power purchase agreement with any private power trading company without consulting the whole issue with N.MC. and N.I.,T. more over argument of MADC Nagpur Energy Private Limited company that Selling in the open market is always a profitable proposition than being a captive vendor as it fetches higher rates is ridiculous ’ Tiwari said.
VJAS has urged Maharashtra Govt , Nagpur Municipal Corpn.(N.M.C.) and Nagpur Improvement Trust (N.I.T.) that power generated in Mihan-SEZ should not be sold out to any power trading company and should be given Nagpur and vidarbha consumers in subsidized rates as MADC has come with tax payers of Nagpur city.’VJAS urged .
Selling power to some outsider is absolutely unacceptable, when there is shortage of power locally. Power generated locally, should also be consumed locally. Only solution to this problem of selling local wealth to outsiders lies in having a separate Vidarbha state, and putting an end to this colonial mentality of Maharashra, at an earliest.